MITCH ALBOM LIVE, a unique web-only entertainment program, premiered yesterday on Broadcasting weekly, the web show will feature unscripted conversations between Mitch and other influential creative personalities – including actors, musicians and authors. Funny, relaxed and inspired, MITCH ALBOM LIVE’s weekly 30-minute webisodes will touch upon books, music, movies, and the creative lives behind such work. It will also feature Mitch’s unique view on world events and American culture. Filmed both on location around the nation and in the WJR studios in Detroit, the base of Albom’s long-running “The Mitch Albom Show,” MITCH ALBOM LIVE’s initial lineup of guests include Tony Bennett, Kevin Smith, Nick Hornby, Rosanne Cash and John Pizzarelli. Watch the first episode featuring Drew Barrymore now.
The show gives Mitch – himself an author, screenwriter, and long-time musician – a unique format to discuss artistic work on multiple levels. “I’ve done programs along these lines for radio and TV for years, but this gives us a great chance for new, flexible, uninterrupted weekly shows that can be quickly delivered around the world. The future of storytelling may well that little box on your desk, or the little screen in your pocket. This program allows me to tell stories – and bring others’ stories – right there.”
Borders will sponsor MITCH ALBOM LIVE, also webcasting the weekly program on and on Borders TV, the in-store Borders television network in stores across the country.
As she reveals to Mitch in this week’s episode, Drew Barrymore was 6 years old when she turned in her first script. To her godfather. And though that project didn’t quite get off the ground, Barrymore never lost the desire to become a director. She makes her debut with Whip It (in theaters October 2), a funny, freewheeling tale starring Ellen Page as a young woman facing life’s learning curve on high banks and roller skates.
In the interview, Barrymore talks more about the movie, explains why she never yells, "Cut!", and describes what drew her to the "wonderful, healthy, cool thing" that is the underground world of competitive roller derby.