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  • any email sent through this form is read and monitored by the webmaster (not Mitch)
  • most of your questions will have answers here.
  • the most commonly asked questions are collected below
How to contact me

My only public email address is You can send letters and packages to my publisher, HarperCollins:

Mitch Albom
c/o Author Mail, Floor 22
HarperCollins Publishers
195 Broadway
New York, NY 10007

I encourage you to post your messages to me and fellow subscribers on my Facebook page . I can’t read all of them, and not every day, but I love to hear from you. If you’re a teacher, please post your special stories about teaching one of my books in the dedicated Teacher’s Corner.  If you’re a reading group, tell me about your group here. If you’re a student, you may be able to find an answers to other questions in the following areas:  FAQsbio; my picks for movies, music, and more; and finally, you can read advice from me about writing here.

Where was I born and where did I grow up?
I was born May 23, 1958 in Passaic, NJ. We lived in Buffalo for a little bit but then settled in Oaklyn, NJ. It’s close to Philadelphia.
Will you receive an answer to your email or letter?
I LOVE hearing from you, and while I do try to read everything that comes in the mail or by email, I simply cannot respond to everything due to the sheer volume of letters I receive. To answer every piece of mail would affect the time I have to write and the time I devote to my family. But please keep sending it, and know without a doubt how much I treasure it.
How to get a signed book or autograph

With tens of millions of copies of my books sold worldwide, accepting and sending out mail directly just isn't logistically possible.

Authorized autographed copies are often available when a new book is released. Future public book signing events are listed in the calendar here, but subscribing to my newsletter here means you get the news first!

Will I speak at an event?

Thanks for your interest. Please contact Nancy Aaronson of the Leigh Speakers Bureau at for any inquiry regarding speaking engagements.

How to arrange a meeting with me
While I understand your enthusiasm and admire your desire to arrange a meeting or help your loved one, I can’t meet with all of my readers. My work takes up most of my time, but when I have spare time, it goes to my own family and charitable work, without exception. I’m sure you understand.
How to send me a story or book idea
Unfortunately, I’m currently working on several of my own projects, and could not devote the time and commitment that your story deserves. But I do thank you again for thinking of me.
How to get help with your book
As you might imagine, I’m often asked to provide blurbs or offer advice on someone’s work, and while I’m flattered you’re asking my opinion, but I just don’t have time to adequately read all these new works and offer the best advice.  There are many guides and websites of organizations (like the Authors Guild) that will explain the basic mechanics of the publishing industry, and important details you need to know as an author. But I believe that it all starts with a story. I once gave a talk to fellow columnists at the Detroit Free Press about writing. Click here to read it. I hope you’ll find meaningful insights into finding your voice and reaching your audience.