UPDATE: Another successful event, click here to learn more about the September A Time to Help event with LifeBUILDERS
Project: LifeBUILDERS, a 501(c)(3) faith-based organization, acquires houses in the Regent Park area to rehab in order to provide affordable housing. As a result, the community is strengthened with individuals and families committed to reside and take ownership in revitalizing the area affected by blight, crime and declining population through neighborhood activities that foster hope amongst residents.
Major tasks will focus on pruning/removing backyard overgrowth, pruning shrubs, scraping paint from garage walls, moving mulch piles to front of community garden, weeding at project house and adjacent yards.
Where: LifeBUILDERS project house | 16810 Bringard | Detroit, MI 48205 | Map
Prepare: Volunteers should bring work gloves and, if available, pruning tools for shrubs, tree branches, pruning saws, rakes, flat shovels, digging shovels, weeding tools. Volunteers with professional level experience with chain saws must wear safety glasses.
Parking: Residential
Contact: A Time to Help Coordinators Jean and Chris | time.to.help.email@gmail.com | 313-309-5800
Sign up: Visit atimetohelp.org or click here.