A National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association Hall of Famer, Red Smith Award winner Mitch Albom has written a syndicated column for the Detroit Free Press since 1985, archived here exclusively, free of charge. He also periodically writes for national magazines and other press outlets.
He also writes a newsletter, “Life at the Orphanage” from Have Faith Haiti, and hosts the weekly podcast, Tuesday People. He formery hosted the The Sports Reporters podcast with Mike Lupica and Bob Ryan.

Christmas denied to Haitian kids who can’t get into their country
One wanted to brag about his grades. One wanted to talk about his soccer team. One, if we’re being honest, wanted to see what presents she would get. All of them wanted to lift up and hug their baby sisters and brothers and see how big they’ve grown. None of them will...
Trump, Vance bizarre pet-eating claim only proves how fast a lie can travel
If you ever doubted the power of one awful social media post to slander an entire people, look no further than the firestorm over Haitians eating people’s pets in Springfield, Ohio. Less than two weeks ago, a single post on X claimed that a Springfield resident saw a...
Mitch's first column
Give me a Sporting Chance, and I’ll Give it Right Back
AUG 8, 1985
Let’s start with an old joke.
On a plane trip home after a football game, Buck Buchanan, a massive lineman for the Kansas City Chiefs, was sitting next to a sports writer. Buck had the aisle seat. The sports writer was by the window.
Dinner came, and they ate. Soon Buck fell asleep…
Life at the Orphanage

Tuesday People Podcast
The Sports Reporters Podcast
(on hiatus)

Mitch Albom is nationally known sportswriter; columnist for the Detroit Free Press; author of Tuesdays With Morrie, The Five People you Meet in Heaven and other best-selling books; TV and radio personality; and philanthropist. For the past five years, he has been working to help children orphaned after a devastating earthquake that struck Haiti on Jan. 12, 2010. He writes about that effort here.
Working with Haiti’s orphans: Smiles make it worthwhile
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – The woman in the chair had a small child sleeping in her lap. She had come to give him away.
“Who is the father?” I asked, through a translator.
“There is no father,” she said.
“Aren’t you the mother?”
“Whose child is this?”
“I found him abandoned under a tree behind a hospital. He was maybe 2 months old, and his belly was big. He was crying. So I took him to the police.”
“What did they tell you?”
“They said, ‘Why did you pick him up? You should have left him there.’ So I took him home. And now I am here.”
The Courage of Detroit
This was Christmas night. In the basement of a church off an icy street in downtown Detroit, four dozen homeless men and women sat at tables. The smell of cooked ham wafted from the kitchen. The pastor, Henry Covington, a man the size of two middle linebackers, exhorted the people with a familiar chant.
“I am somebody,” he yelled.
“I am somebody!” they repeated.
“Because God loves me!”

The Joys of Summer
Go ahead, kids. Lie in the grass. Study the clouds. Daydream. Be lazy. You have our permission. I feel sorry for today’s kids. Summer comes, they’re finally free from school—and bang!Band camp. Science seminars. Internships. Instead of downtime, it’s get-up-and-go...
Making the Skies a Bit Friendlier
Hello, this is your captain speaking.Okay, I lied. I don’t sit in the cockpit. I sit where you sit. And I fly a lot (over 100,000 miles a year). So I would like to suggest ways the airlines could treat us better this year.But why bother?Any business that will soon be...