About This Episode
What type of charitable giver are you? Do you round up clothes every year to give to local charities in your area? Do you have a list of organizations you contribute to on an annual basis? Are you there to help out friends who start funding campaigns online? Maybe you volunteer your time reading to local school children or packing meals for your area’s senior community. On this week’s episode of the Tuesday People podcast, we cover the Eight Levels of Charitable Giving. In the Jewish faith, charity – or Tzedakah – is something Morrie Schwartz practiced regularly. We’ll discuss what charity meant to Morrie and how you can discover the levels of giving that could change your life – and the lives of those around you.
The Eight Levels of Charitable Giving
8. When you give something, but you give it grudgingly.
7. When someone gives less than he should, but does so with a good attitude.
6. When you give directly to the poor, when you are asked.
5. When you give directly to the poor without being asked.
4. When you give and the person receiving knows it’s coming from you, but you don’t know the specific identity of the recipient.
3. You know who is receiving the money, but they don’t know you gave it.
2. Giving in a way that you don’t know who the recipient is, and they don’t know who gave the gift to them.
1. To help sustain a person before they become impoverished.
I would say I am mostly a number 3. I give when I can. I know plenty that have lots more to give but don’t give much. I am happy where I am at and have always wished I had much more to give. I really don’t care to strive to get to 2 or 1. I am happy where I am at.
I just wanted to add that sometimes I have no idea who is benefiting and that is fine but sometimes you do which is fine. So really number 2 sometimes.