Episode 60 – Generosity – It’s All Up to You
Hosts & Guests
Mitch Albom
Lisa Goich
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On today’s episode of the Tuesday People podcast, host Mitch Albom notes how there’s still one big thing you can determine in this year of losing control: how generous you want to be. Albom recaps his annual SAY Detroit Radiothon benefitting the many programs that help the needy in Detroit, and talks about how people donated this year in record-breaking fashion. Why? Mitch explains his theory that controlling our generosity makes us feel good no matter what we give or how much, and how you can put these lessons into practice this holiday season.
There's so much we can't control. But one thing we can is our generosity, in time, spirit and when needed, money. Today's episode looks at a tremendous example of generosity witnessed in the recent #SAYDetroit radiothon. #givingisliving #TuesdayPeople https://t.co/Xvo37Cr3RC pic.twitter.com/YIpAszSuKi
— wetuesdaypeople (@wetuesdaypeople) December 15, 2020
I loved watching the radiothon. I usually like to go but I was happy watching it virtually. I was one of those people that donated right away after you started. I was happy to do so and enjoyed the song you played and sang to Hugh Jackman. It was good. I hope you incorporate the piano again next year. I would love seeing that.
Of course we can control our generosity. I always wish I could give more. Have a great holiday season.