About This Episode
On today’s episode Mitch Albom discusses the idea of detachment – how to break away from feelings of sadness, depression, anger, jealousy. Morrie had to learn to detach from his frustration with ALS – and he found that immersing yourself in your own pain, then stepping away from it, is the key to making peace with it. Learn in this podcast how detaching can be applied for a happier existence. As Morrie said, “Stay connected, but don’t cling to things. Because everything is impermanent.”
Morrie had to learn to detach from his frustration with #ALS, and he found that immersing in your own pain, then stepping away from it, is key to making peace with it. Today on #TuesdayPeople, we talk about detachment
— wetuesdaypeople (@wetuesdaypeople) January 21, 2020
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I enjoyed this one a lot. I try to be as positive as I can but everyone can have a negative feeling about something now and again. It just is a part of being human along with emotions. I agree and you have to accept the anger sometimes and get through it and I never thought of it as detachment but yeah you do and then move forward. It is a good way to be and Morrie explained it well. All good advice. Everyone gets depressed once in a while too but then in a day or so you move forward on it. If a person tries to keep it all inside then you can make yourself sick.
Positivity is what I like to do all the time. Read quotes that are true and share them on my timeline. I think over the years that has helped a lot for me. Meditation is so so good too. Of course there is nothing like going to the beach and looking at the water. A person can just come away from it and feel so refreshed. Not a lot of people know this but it has such healing powers. It does something to your brain. It is so calming. I recommend it to anyone to make things better less worrying about stuff. Think positive.