One sack. One stinking sack. One strong push through the monster in front of you, one mad dash to the quarterback, one wrap him up before he throws the ball and smash him to the ground. Not so hard, right? One lousy sack? Heck, if you're out there every game, starting on the defensive line, you might get a couple just by accident, no? Sixteen games? One little notch in your belt? Is that too much to ask?
THE CZECH rookie had been having a pretty lousy time in Detroit. Fifteen seconds into Tuesday's Game 3, he was slammed into the wall by Detroit's Kris Draper and went flipping over, landing in the laps of his teammates. How embarrassing.Then, early Thursday night, he was upended by Draper once more, landing on his back like a kid who falls out of the top bunk.
First of all, get out of Gary Moeller's head. You don't belong there, neither do I. All these armchair psychiatrists who are rooting around his brain as if it's their personal attic -- "I think he's under too much pressure. . . ." "The eight losses in two years have gotten to him" -- they have no idea what they're talking about and never will.
PLEASE DON'T say you're surprised. Anything but surprised. Disappointed, perhaps, that Nick Saban -- who finally built a winner at Michigan State -- will not be coaching there anymore. Saddened, perhaps, that the Spartans have to start over again.But surprised? Come on. Rumors about his departure had become a ritual with Saban. He was going to the National Football League. He was taking over the Indianapolis Colts. He was taking over the New York Giants. There were times when Michael Jackson's marriage seemed more solid than Saban and MSU.
Alonzo Jackson plunked down $34 and bought two new shirts from an Eddie Bauer warehouse. One was green-and-white plaid, a lumberjack-looking thing, and he wore it the next day. After school, he and two teenage friends went back to the warehouse to shop again.It should have been just another breezy afternoon in a high schooler's life. Instead, it became something more. An off-duty cop working as a temporary security guard came up to Jackson and asked him about the crisp new shirt. The suggestion was that Jackson might have shoplifted it.
TO: Phil Garner, New Tigers ManagerFROM: Me, Old Detroit ColumnistDear Phil:Welcome to Detroit. We hope you like it here. We realize it's not Milwaukee, but on the plus side, it's not Milwaukee.In the weeks to come, you'll learn many wonderful things about our city, our people and our love affair with sports. The good news is we're crazy about men swinging lumber. The bad news is, I'm talking about hockey players.
If there's one thing that should get everyone's attention, it's the end of the world.BOOM!Do we have your attention?Maybe, maybe not. Last week, a huge setback occurred in the nuclear bomb arena. The United States -- which leads the planet in nuclear technology the way the Atlanta Braves lead baseball in good pitching -- rejected a treaty that outlaws exploding nuclear devices for testing purposes.Let me repeat: We rejected it.
MIAMI-- Few reporters talk to offensive linemen. They are big, thick-necked creatures who toil anonymously in the mud and muck, so that a flashy, famous running back can zip through the holes they open and score touchdowns.Running backs, we want to talk to. Quarterbacks, we want to talk to. Receivers, we want to talk to.Offensive linemen? It's like interviewing Madonna's limo driver.The only thing you might ask a lineman is, "Pardon me, did you see the running back?"
Mitch Albom writes about running an orphanage in impoverished Port-au-Prince, Haiti, his kids, their hardships, laughs and challenges, and the life lessons he’s learned there every day.