BLACKED OUT, KNOCKED DOWN – LIONS ARISE!September 28, 2009 | Detroit Free Press, SportsYou should have seen it. After 644 losing days, 21 losing months, 18 losing Sundays, one losing Thursday, four ...Read More
SAVE “BOTTOMS UP” FOR THE FOOTBALL FIELDSeptember 27, 2009 | Comment, Detroit Free PressThe video featured two attractive women. It was shot by an onlooker. It hit YouTube by storm. You're no doubt ...Read More
WILL WE EVER SAY ALL’S WELL THAT ENDS WELL?September 22, 2009 | Detroit Free Press, SportsBy the end, he was just another Detroit quarterback being chased by Minnesota linemen, and there have been so many ...Read More
TRUE GENTLEMAN ERNIE STILL HAS MORE TO GIVESeptember 20, 2009 | Comment, Detroit Free Press, SportsIt was a late summer night, and in downtown Detroit the Tigers were playing. Miles away, sitting in his chair, ...Read More
Youth is Serving U-M’s Forcier WellSeptember 18, 2009 | Detroit Free Press, SportsI say hello. He says, "How you doin'?" I say that was some weekend. He says, "Yeah, it was ...Read More
ONLY THE YOUNG COULD HANDLE THISSeptember 18, 2009 | Detroit Free Press, SportsI say hello. He says, "How you doin'?" I say that was some weekend. He says, "Yeah, it was ...Read More
BETTER DAYS AHEAD? WE CAN ONLY HOPESeptember 14, 2009 | Detroit Free Press, SportsNEW ORLEANS - It was a new season and a new roster and a new coach and a new start, but for Lions fans, it was a ...Read More
YELL AT OBAMA A NEW LOW BUT NOT THE LASTSeptember 13, 2009 | Comment, Detroit Free PressIt was just two words."You lie!"Two words. Not even curse words. But the where and the when made those two words ...Read More