Home Calendar - Mitch Albom Jewish Book Council Com­mu­ni­ty One Read

Jewish Book Council Com­mu­ni­ty One Read

Join Jew­ish Book Coun­cil for a con­ver­sa­tion with Mitch Albom on his new nov­el The Lit­tle Liar. Invite your community’s book clubs and read­ers to par­tic­i­pate!

Beloved best­selling author Mitch Albom returns with a pow­er­ful nov­el that moves from a coastal Greek city dur­ing WWII, to Amer­i­ca, where the inter­twined lives of three Holo­caust sur­vivors are for­ev­er changed by the per­ils of decep­tion and the grace of redemp­tion. A mov­ing para­ble that explores hon­esty, sur­vival, revenge and devo­tion, The Lit­tle Liar is Albom at his very best. Nar­rat­ed by the voice of Truth itself, it is a time­less sto­ry about the harm we inflict with our deceits, and the pow­er of love to ulti­mate­ly redeem us.

Author, screen­writer, phil­an­thropist, jour­nal­ist, and broad­cast­er Mitch Albom is an inspi­ra­tion around the world. Albom is the author of numer­ous books of fic­tion and non­fic­tion, which have col­lec­tive­ly sold more than forty mil­lion copies in forty-eight lan­guages world­wide. He has writ­ten eight num­ber-one New York Times best­sellers — includ­ing Tues­days with Mor­rie, the best­selling mem­oir of all time. Albom has also writ­ten award-win­ning TV films, stage plays, screen­plays, a nation­al­ly syn­di­cat­ed news­pa­per col­umn, and a musi­cal. Through his work at the Detroit Free Press, he was induct­ed into both the Nation­al Sports Media Asso­ci­a­tion and Michi­gan Sports halls of fame and was the recip­i­ent of the Red Smith Award for life­time achieve­ment. Fol­low­ing his best­selling mem­oir Find­ing Chi­ka, and Human Touch, he returned to fic­tion with The Stranger in the Lifeboat, which debuted at #1 on the New York Times Best­sellers List after being #1 on Ama­zon. His newest New York Times best­selling nov­el, The Lit­tle Liar, was released in fall 2023.

To pur­chase The Lit­tle Liar click here.

*Host­ed in part­ner­ship with JBC’s Net­work Mem­ber Sites. Learn more about the JBC Net­work com­mu­ni­ties here.*


Feb 06 2024


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

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Jewish Book Council