What Readers Are Saying…
Tuesdays with Morrie
“Every page of this beautiful moving little book shines with the warmth of unembarrassed love.”
—Rabbi Harold Kushner, author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People
“Sometimes if you take a second look around you’ll notice we are amongst angels. Only a man–no, a saint–like Morrie Schwartz could take his own impending death and teach us how to live. After reading Tuesdays with Morrie you’ll understand that class is never dismissed.”
—Jeff Daniels
“I promised Mitch Albom on the phone that if I were lucky enough to receive this that I’d thank him for laying the bricks with that magnificent story that he wrote. And I do. He laid the bricks. It’s all him.”
—Jack Lemmon, in his Emmy acceptance speech in 2000 for Best Actor in Tuesdays With Morrie (1999)
“A beautifully written book of great clarity and wisdom that lovingly captures the simplicity beyond life’s complexities.”
—M. Scott Peck, M.D., author of The Road Less Traveled
“The book is an incredible treasure. One’s sense of our mortality is a great teacher and source of enlightenment. To have a teacher share this experience provides us with profound wisdom and insight. I laughed, cried and ordered five copies for our children.”
—Bernie S. Siegel, M.D., author of Love, Medicine, and Miracles
“A wonderful book, a story of the heart told by a writer with soul.”
—The Los Angeles Times
“As sweet and nourishing as fresh summer corn…the book begs to be read aloud.”
— USA Today
“Mitch Albom’s book is a gift to mankind.”
— Philadelphia Inquirer
“Ask anyone who knew him and they’ll likely tell you that Morrie Schwartz made more of an impression on them then Michael Jordan, Bill Gates and Jodie Foster combined. Tuesdays with Morrie is more than just a dying man’s last words. It is an inspirational recount of a man’s life — a man whose passion for the human spirit has continued to live long after his last breath.“
— CNN Book Reviews
“It helps you to value and listen to those around you”
— Ben de Lisi, Eve (UK)
“Selten gibt es Bücher, die in so bestechender Klarheit und ungekünstelter Schlichtheit wiedergeben, worum es wirklich im Leben geht. Hier spricht der kleine Prinz, nachdem er erwachsen geworden ist.”
—Hamburger Abendblatt (Germany)
[Translation: “So rare are these books, which mirror in such fascinating clarity and natural simplicity what life is really all about. Here speaks the Little Prince after reaching adulthood.”]
“A movingly sincere and truly touching book.”
—Galey Zahal (Israel)
“A deep, magical and full of charm book, that we all wish we could meet its protagonist”
—Yedioth Achronot (Israel)
“A thought-provoking, moving book, which makes us yearn for the comforting presence of a man like Morrie Schwartz…Rich and compelling prose, beautifully written. A most harming tale/story.”
—Maariv (Israel)
“This is a rare book that draws various and unique emotional impressions from each person who reads it.”
—Yoshiko Sakurai (journalist), from Weekly Diamond& (Japan)
“I read this book whenever I feel that a kind of soot or fog collects in my mind. And I think that we all should have such books in our life.”
—Yoko Shimamura (novelist), from Yomiuri Weekly (Japan)
“Things to pursue, things to depart. This book tells the decisions of life”
— The Hangyoreh Daily Newspaper (Korea)
“Praises life, sings just before passing away”
— The Joongang Daily Newspaper (Korea)
“Life’s wisdom from the one who departed”
— Maeil Business Newspapers (Korea)
“The Professor’s last lecture impresses the value of life.”
— Chosun Daily Newspaper (Korea)
“‘Antradienius su Moriu’ galima laikyti beveik žmoniškumo ir žmogiškumo paminklu, ir kai kuriais atvejais tai yra paminklas dalykams, kurie atsitraukia į praeitį.” (Lithuania)
“Sunt pagini pline de emoţie, umor şi duiosie, ce definesc dialogul dintre doi oameni pe care viaţa i-a întâlnit. O întâlnire, desigur, providenţială.”
— Kolike (Romania)
“Un extraordinario testimonio humano en el que Mitch Albom hace una reflexión sorprendente sobre la vida y el amor.”
— Revista QUE LEER (Spain)
[Translation: “An extraordinary human testimony in which Mitch Albom makes a striking reflection on life and love.”]
“Un libro que ha cruzado el umbral del bestseller para convertirse en un libro de culto.”
— El Semanal (Spain)
[Translation: “A book that has crossed the threshold of a bestseller to become a book of worship.”]
“Millones de libros vendidos, millones de corazones conmovidos por una historia profundamente humana.”
— ABC (Spain)
[Translation: “Millions of books sold, millions of hearts moved by a deeply human story.”]
“Işte bu tür hayat derslerinden oluşan kitabi özünü, insanin hayatin dönemeçlerinde durup kendinl sorgulamasi ve ylunu bu sorularin yanitlari işiginda yönlendirmesi gerekliliği olusturuyor.”
— Ipeck Ongun, Sabah (Turkey)
“Yaşam, aile, evlilik, merliamet, ölüm, korku, yaşlanma ve anlamli bir yaşam felsefesi üzerine hasta yatagindaki yaşli bir profesorle eski öğrencisi arasindaki içtenlik ve bilgelik dolu konuşmalar bize bir çok ders veriyor. ABD’de iki yildir en cok satan kitaplar listesiriden inmeyen ve elinizden birakamayacağimz kitap hayau anlamak ve çözmek istevenler icin bir reliber. “
— Sabah (Turkey)