What Readers Are Saying…

The Five People You Meet in Heaven

“Simply told, sentimental, and profoundly true, this is a contemporary American fable that will be cherished by a vast readership.”
Publishers Weekly (starred review)

“A book with the genuine power to stir and comfort its readers.”
Janet Maslin, The New York Times

“There’s much wisdom here . . . An earnest meditation on the intrinsic value of human life.”
Los Angeles Times

“This is a fable you will devour when you fall in love. This is the tale you will keep by your side when you are lost. This is the story you will turn to again and again, because it possesses the rare magic to let you see yourself and the world anew. This book is a gift to the soul.”
Amy Tan, author of The Joy Luck Club and The Bonesetter’s Daughter

“Five meetings, five different and surprising truths that gradually unveil to Eddie one of the basic truths of life – that nobody is an island.”
Knihovnice  (Czech Republic, www.knihovnice.cz)

“Every character in the book is like a childhood memory… This book is magical like a painting by Hopper or a movie by   Capra.”
Mark Levy, best-selling French author —Psychologies Magazine (France)

“A lovely modern tale that will restore our faith with this life on Earth”
l’Express (France)

Marie-Claire (France)

The Five People You Meet in Heaven is an enthralling book: it’s full of surprising and sometimes shocking insights into the allegedly boring, uneventful life of an ordinary human being.”
Norddeutscher Rundfunk, NDR(Germany)

“Einfach, faszinierend, wunderbar!”
Bild am Sonntag (Germany)
[Translation: “Simple, fascinating, wonderful!”]

“Mitch Albom schreibt wie eine Art literarischer Spielberg: effektvoll, gefühlvoll und ohne Scheu vor Pathos.”
BRIGITTE (Germany)
[Translation: “Mitch Albom writes like a literary Spielberg: with great impact and emotion, and without being afraid of pathos.”]

“Only the author of a master piece, Tuesdays with Morrie, can show such a view of life with ‘Love’.”
Chizuru Miyasako (Japan)

“The heaven that is already hidden around your world.”
The Chosun Daily Newspaper (Korea)

The Five People You Meet in Heaven confirms Mitch Albom as a writer of worship who can reach millions of readers for his courage to openly ask questions about our existence”
El Mundo (Spain)

“Un auténtico canto a la vida y un homenaje a las perrsonas que han pasado por el mundo sin ser ricas ni famosas”
Cinco días (Spain)
[Translation: “A genuine singing to life and a tribute to the people who have gone through the world without being rich or famous.”]