They’re authors by profession—but once a year, they abandon their books for instruments and become rock stars, complete with roadies, groupies, and a tour bus. This summer, however, The Rock Bottom Remainders, the all-author rock band featuring Mitch Albom, Stephen...


One Life Touches Another Presented by Somerset Collection and Cooper Standard For one night only, Mitch will share his experiences operating an orphanage in Port-au-Prince, Haiti after the devastating earthquake of 2010. Mitch will tell stories, take questions, and...

Pancakes, and Ice-Cream, and Fries–Oh My!

Yesterday, May 23rd, Mitch celebrated his Birthday with one of his annual Gluttonous Feast. Each year, Mitch kisses calorie-counting goodbye and indluges in all of his favorite foods, from pancakes to pizza, and fries to ice-cream.Mitch started the day with a heaping...

A Time to Help Project Details for June 2012

Project: Motor City BlightbustersProject Details: Motor City Blight Busters is a Detroit non-profit dedicated to the stabilization of our Detroit neighborhoods. Since 1988, they have been a positive catalyst for Detroit neighborhoods, families, and volunteers by...

Update from Haiti

Books are this update’s theme–reading is now a fundamental activity for the children at Have Faith Haiti.How the kids now spend Sunday afternoons: Books now a regular part of day, and not for the pictures!Nine-year-old Kevin reads to the little ones:And a...