Yzerman’s ‘C’ Also Stands for Character

Yzerman Tells His Side of Demers Story

Now it’s Steve Yzerman’s turn to speak. He has heard all the rumors. He heard them this week and last week and two weeks before that while he was on vacation in Ottawa. Every time the phone rang, it was another voice from Detroit. Boy, they said, are you in hot water. Boy, they said, you better prepare to defend yourself. And his reaction was: “Defend myself from what?”

Yzerman’s ‘C’ Also Stands for Character

Yzerman Gets Tired of Waiting

EDMONTON, Alberta — The man who might make a difference was sitting high above the action Thursday night, in a concrete catwalk that hung over the ice like heaven’s terrace. Steve Yzerman wore no skates. He was dressed, as he has been for the last nine weeks, in street clothes, a blue blazer, powder blue shirt, gray slacks.

“How much do you miss what’s happening down there?” he was asked, as the Red Wings skated against the Edmonton Oilers in Game 2 of this Campbell Conference final.